“You didn’t betray me, you betrayed yourself.” – Optimus Prime

For me Transformers is more than just an Action, Sci-Fi movie. It has a deeper and intellectual, probably, emotional, translation that’s beyond what movie-goers see.

Aside being a fan of action movies, I personally think that Optimus Prime is a representation of higher-being such as God. His character is the protector of his race as well as that of the humans. He is for the righteous and of the pure heart. He is the leader of the Autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron (Pirello, 2007). Admittedly, though not being able to watch previous series episodes from the franchise, the movies, I believe deliver parallel message.

In this particular scene from “Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon,” showcases how Optimus was aiming to work for justice and this is where my symbolism comes in. Megatron was like the devil trying to persuade and blame Prime for what he has done, that he was responsible for the destruction of their planet and the  transferred possession of the AllSpark, which the Autobots and Decepticons are fighting over (Sorenson & Forster, 2010). He knew killing Megatron would cease the unending war between the benevolent Autobots and malevolent Decepticons.

Evidently, the conversation between the two feuding leaders exhibit human traits and a sense of motivation wherein the good rule and they defeat the evil. Prime sends out a positive energy that is undeniably attractive. His notions are of that of a wise and just man capable and and knowledgeable of the right steps to be taken. He is fearless because he knows his responsibility not because he wills it for himself. There are countless dialogues from Optimus that inspire and motivate and his spirit resonates that of a father-figure and a wise adviser.

However commercialized and mainstream, I believe it has not lost its novelty and it still is very unpredictable (well, aside from the usual romances they put on the side). Plus, Optimus’ character is something that is very much loved by viewers and fans but has to go beyond the exterior and physical aesthetics. Besides, the graphics add that extra punch of spicy to the franchise by making the movies more appealing and attractive.

What I like about most about ‘Transformers,’ again, would be for the symbolism. If it weren’t for these real life applications, we would find it hard to relate it to our own lives. This is creative way of presenting conflict especially to common beliefs that evil must be defeated in order to have peace and justice among all men.

What would we do if we had no protector, no leader? What would happen to our countries, the world and the rest of the human race? We just have to believe and have faith that there is a supreme power over us. He is our our source of guidance but we are given the liberty to decide for ourselves and steer to the direction we want our lives to go.

Taking that Optimus Prime, and the rest of the transformers, are robots, I firmly agree that we hold the remote control of our lives and what ever wrong turn we make can be ‘transformed’ into  learning. From these mistakes, we can re-direct our feet into moving towards the goals we want to achieve. Once we do, we grow wiser as we see thee broader picture of what life is really all about.

Thank you Optimus!

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